Central Auckland > Private Hospitals & Specialists > Auckland Medical Specialists (AMS) – Paediatric Services >
Dr Sat Bhatia
BM 1989 Southampton; FRACP 2001
Dr "Sat" as he is popularly known, earned his Bachelor Degree at Southampton Medical School, England, in 1989. He trained in Paediatric Medicine in England, Australia and New Zealand. He first came to New Zealand in 1993 and worked in the Children's Oncology Ward at Starship Hospital, Auckland. He then focused on gaining his Specialist Paediatric Training which included rotating through the paediatric services at Starship, Middlemore and National Women's Hospitals. Dr Sat moved to Newcastle and then Melbourne, Australia for further training as a Paediatric Fellow and gained recognition as a Specialist Paediatrician with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Paediatrics) in 2001. He worked as a consultant in the Birmingham Children's Hospital, England, and was then invited to return to New Zealand to help set up the Paediatric and Neonatal Service at North Shore Hospital, Auckland in 2003.
- General Paediatrics
- Neonatal Paediatrics
- Behavioural Paediatrics
- Community Paediatrics
- Rural and Indigenous Health
Specialty Interests
Dr Sat is interested in all areas of general paediatrics including neonatal work, and has spent considerable time working in rural and remote Australia, working with indigenous communities. He is a member of the Maternal Fetal Medicine Panel, is passionate about Medical Education and is a coordinator for the Diploma of Paediatrics at The University of Auckland. He has interest in children and families who have high and complex needs and may have experienced chronic illness or prolonged hospitalisation.
Young Infants
Dr Bhatia has spent considerable time working in the Neonatal and Paediatric Service at North Shore Hospital. He is happy to receive referrals from midwives and community nurses who are concerned about a young baby's progress. It is of course vital in this and other age groups to have a holistic view including mother, baby, family and culture. The input of an experienced midwife and lactation consultant is so valuable in this setting.
Title or Designation
Male / Tāne
Full NZ Registration Date
17 March 1994
Vocational Scope
Languages Spoken
English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Contact Details
Dr Sat Bhatia is available at the following services:
Auckland Medical Specialists (AMS) – Paediatric Services
This service is available at the following location:
Auckland Medical Specialists, 183 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Auckland
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
(09) 638 9945
(09) 638 9947
Healthlink EDI
Private Services
Satvinder Bhatia - General Paediatrician
This service is available at the following location: