Mr Ciaran Thrush
MB ChB 2008 Auckland; FRACS (Orth) 2015
I grew up in Hawke's Bay and gained my medical degree from the University of Auckland. After completing my orthopaedic training in New Zealand, I undertook two fellowships in Melbourne, Australia; one at The Alfred Hospital working in the areas of trauma surgery, pelvis and acetabular fracture surgery and hip replacement, and another specialising in sports knee and knee replacement surgery. I have also completed a paediatric orthopaedic fellowship at Starship Children’s Hospital.
- Sports knee surgery, especially anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and meniscal surgery
- Knee replacement surgery, including revision surgery
- Hip replacement surgery, including revision surgery
- Trauma and post-traumatic conditions
- General orthopaedics including hand and upper limb conditions
Title or Designation
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Full NZ Registration Date
16 December 2008
Vocational Scope
Orthopaedic Surgery
Contact Details
Mr Ciaran Thrush is available at the following services:
Private Services
Mr Ciaran Thrush - Orthopaedic Surgeon
This service is available at the following location:
Royston Centre, 325 Prospect Road, Hastings
(06) 873 1107
(06) 873 1108
Private Surgical Services
Royston Hospital - Orthopaedic Surgery
This service is available at the following location:
Royston Hospital
(06) 873 1111 Extension 0
(06) 873 1112