MB BCh 2003 Wales; FRCS (Cardio) 2014 Eng; CCT (Cardiothoracic Surgery) 2017 (UK)
Mr Nishith Patel is a Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon at the Waikato Cardiothoracic Unit. He has a specialist interest in total arterial revascularisation for ischaemic heart disease, complex aortic surgery, heart valve surgery, aortic root surgery and atrial fibrillation surgery. Mr Patel is also a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Surgery at the University of Auckland. He has an interest in research in aortic disease and aortic dissection.
Mr Patel completed formal training in Cardiothoracic Surgery in leading centres in the UK as detailed below:
- Bristol Heart Institute, Bristol
- Hammersmith Hospital, London
- Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
He has also held Consultant appointments at Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand and Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, UK.
Areas of specialisation:
- Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
- Aortic valve surgery
- Mitral valve surgery
- Aortovascular surgery
- Atrial fibrillation surgery
Title or Designation
Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Post-Fellowship Training
Fellowships and Qualifications
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)
Cardiothoracic Surgery - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
University of Bristol - Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MB BCh)(Commendation)
University of Wales College of Medicine - Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology (BSc)(Hons)
University of Wales College of Medicine
Positions & Memberships
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) - Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
University of Bristol - Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MB BCh)(Commendation)
University of Wales College of Medicine - Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology (BSc)(Hons)
University of Wales College of Medicine
Full NZ Registration Date
23 May 2018
Vocational Scope
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Contact Details
Mr Nishith Patel is available at the following service:
Heart Surgeon Group
This service is available at the following location:
Braemar Hospital Consulting Suites, 24 Ohaupo Road, Hamilton
027 787 4366
(07) 843 9815
027 SURGEON (027 787 4366)