

MB ChB 1989 Sheff; FRCS Irel 1996; CCST (UK) Gen Surg 2005


Mr Peter Laws (MBChB.FRCS (Vasc). FRACS) is a Senior Medical Officer at Christchurch Hospital and Specialist vascular surgeon within the Vascular, Endo-vascular and Transplant department. Peter was trained in the United Kingdom, has worked in Australia and Emigrated to New Zealand with his family in 2011.

Peter has developed a specialist interest in the investigation and management of venous disease, in particular the treatment of varicose veins with minimally invasive techniques. Peter has over 16 years of experience in use of endovenous thermal ablation, ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy and Venaseal. He has lectured on the benefits of minimally invasive techniques in the United Kingdom, Australia, South Korea and New Zealand. 

Pete is committed to Specialist Vein Care, ensuring the highest level of care and expertise. His dedication reflects a genuine passion for improving patient outcomes and maintaining the highest standards in vein health. 

Pete believes that if it's not good enough for his family it's not good enough for his patients. 


Mr Laws has over 12 years of national and international experience in minimally invasive endovenous techniques including, Laser, VNUS (Venefit) Closure and ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy.

Title or Designation

Vascular Surgeon

Full NZ Registration Date

4 April 2012

Vocational Scope

Vascular Surgery

Contact Details

Mr Peter Laws is available at the following services:

This service is available at the following location:

442 Moray Place, Dunedin

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Contact us online here

Private Services

Christchurch Vascular Group

This service is available at the following location:

256 Papanui Road, Christchurch

Private Surgical Services

Southern Cross Christchurch Hospital - Vascular Surgery

This service is available at the following location:

Southern Cross Christchurch Hospital