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Dietetics - Paediatric Services | Waitematā
Public Service, Allied Health, Paediatrics, Audiology
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Referrals are only accepted from Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā and other Te Whatu Ora districts health professionals, doctors and dietitians.
Patients should be assessed by their GP and, if appropriate, referred to a Te Whatu Ora paediatrician.
Exception: Direct referrals from GPs for Dietetic outpatient clinics will be accepted for patients with a diagnosis of Coeliac Disease.
What is a Dietitian?
Dietitians are registered health professionals who are experts in food and nutrition. Dietitians must be registered to practise under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance (HPCA) Act 2003 and abide by a code of ethics. They apply scientific knowledge to help improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and groups in states of health and disease to promote optimal health outcomes within the social, economic, and cultural context of the New Zealand population. We encourage you to invite family, whānau / caregivers to your dietitian appointment. Interpreters are also available; please let us know if you need us to arrange one for you.
Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā dietitians are part of a multidisciplinary team and work with adults and children, alongside their family/ whānau /caregivers, who require nutrition input related to medical and surgical treatments and/ or management of chronic conditions.
What will the Dietitian do?
The dietitian will ask for consent to provide dietetic assessment and education to support children referred, their family, whānau and caregivers.
- the dietitian will read your child’s medical notes and check blood results
- assess length, weight and head or waist circumference of your child
- ask questions about your child’s feeding and/or food intake, meal patterns and daily routines to develop a feeding plan or make recommendations around food choices and lifestyle.
- work with you and your family/whānau to set goals towards feeding support and growth
- explain any recommendations made and why they are needed
- provide information or a feeding plan to take away.
- provide follow-up appointments as required
- reassess your medical and nutrition status, food choices and changes made
- talk to you and your family/whānau about other groups and health professionals that can provide ongoing support when you no longer need to be seen by the dietitian.
- offer nutrition education and follow up care as required
What Do You Need to Do?
- work alongside the dietitian to achieve the individual feeding or nutrition goals for your child
- asking about things that you don’t understand
- trying the changes that are suggested by the dietitian
- telling us about how the changes are going and if you are managing them
- telling us if you have difficulty understanding the written and/or spoken information.
Consultations will be conducted via Telehealth such as video or telephone call, or in-person depending on the service required.
Paediatric Inpatient Services
Paediatric dietetic inpatient services are provided in Rangatira Ward, SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) as well as the Wilson Centre Rehabilitation Service.
Paediatric Outpatient Services
Paediatric Outpatient Clinics (Birth - 16 years)
Paediatric Outpatient Dietitians provide nutrition support to children and young people referred to clinic and who are able to travel with their family member or care provider to clinic. Clinics are booked in advance and are held at venues as close to home as possible, including North Shore Hospital Campus, Waitakere Hospital Campus, New Lynn Clinic and Hibiscus Coast Community Centre.
Community Child Health Services
Community Child Health dietitians work as part of the Child Health team. They provide nutrition support to children and young people within their home or school environment as well as the Wilson Centre respite care wards and/ or regional clinics.
Feeding Resources For Parents And Caregivers:
Feeding Resources for Parents and Caregivers
Nutrition Websites & links for the public:
5+ a day:
Provides ideas and recipes to use a wide range of seasonable vegetables and fruit
Health Navigator:
Healthy Food Guide (magazine & website):
Heart Foundation:
- Cheap Eats Cookbook (2019)
- Eating for a Healthy Heart (2019)
- Full o' Beans Cookbook (2018)
- Kids in the Kitchen Cookbook (2016)
- Pasifika Tastes Cookbook (2021)
Ministry of Health Resources:
- Healthy Eating, Active Living - Food and activity advice for adults 19-64 years (2020)
- Babies and Toddlers
- Children
- Young Adults
- Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
- Older Adults
- South Asian People
- Vegetarians
Healthy Kids:
Stroke Foundation of NZ:
- Salt and Blood Pressure
Active Families referrals:
Referral Expectations
Referrals are only accepted from Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā and other Te Whatu Ora districts health professionals, doctors and dietitians.
Patients should be assessed by their GP and, if appropriate, referred to a Te Whatu Ora paediatrician.
Exception: Direct referrals from GPs for Dietetic outpatient clinics will be accepted for patients with a diagnosis of Coeliac Disease.
Paediatrics Inpatient Services (Birth - 16 years)
During a hospital admission a child may be referred to the dietitian by a nurse, doctor, or allied health staff member. Referrals will be prioritised and responded to according to our guidelines. The dietitian will aim to acknowledge referrals within 24 hours of receipt.
Child Development Services - Community Paediatrics (Birth - 16 years)
Referrals are accepted from Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā and other Te Whatu Ora districts professionals, doctors and dietitians. Direct referrals from private practitioners and GPs are not accepted.
Patients should be assessed by their GP and, if appropriate, referred to a Te Whatu Ora paediatrician to be accepted for Community Dietitian services.
Paediatric Outpatient Clinics
Referrals are accepted from Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā and other Te Whatu Ora districts professionals, doctors and dietitians, including KYM and independent midwives. Children referred must be able to travel to a clinic appointment with a family member/ carer.
Direct referrals from private practitioners are not accepted and GP referrals only if the patient is diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. Patients should be assessed by their GP and referred to a Te Whatu Ora paediatrician to be considered for any other Dietitian outpatient clinic services.
Once the referral is accepted, the patient will receive a appointment letter confirming the date, time and location of the clinic. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment please call the Paediatric Booking Clerk on (09) 442 7155.
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM |
Services Provided
Dietitians help people to eat healthy and balanced diets to improve their health and wellbeing and also to manage dietary related health conditions.
Dietitians help people to eat healthy and balanced diets to improve their health and wellbeing and also to manage dietary related health conditions.
- Allergies and intolerance
- Gut/ bowel disorders
- Child dietitian
- Weight management
Dietitians help people to eat healthy and balanced diets to improve their health and wellbeing and also to manage dietary related health conditions.
Document Downloads

Contact Details
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Paediatric Outpatient Service
North Shore Hospital
3 Shea Tce, Takapuna
Waitakere Hospital
Outpatients Reception 2 Ground Floor
Totara Health Centre
Level 2
1 McCrae Way
New Lynn
Hibiscus Coast Community Centre
136 Whangaparaoa Road
Red Beach
Phone (09) 486 8920 ext 47155 – booking and general enquiries
Paediatric Outpatient and Community Services
Community Child Health North Shore and Rodney
3 Shea Tce, Takapuna
Private Bag 93-503, Takapuna, Auckland 0740
Phone: (09) 447 0100 or ext 44100
Community Child Health West
Child Health Unit, Waitakere Hospital
Private Bag 93115, Henderson, Waitakere, 0650
Phone (09) 837 6624 or ext 47800
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This page was last updated at 1:51PM on September 17, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Dietetics - Paediatric Services | Waitematā.