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Child Health Integrated Response Pathway (CHIRP) | Bay of Plenty | Hauora a Toi
Public Service, Community, Paediatrics
CHIRP are a team of public health care workers who can guide children and whānau with worries about child development, challenging behaviours, and possible neurodiversity such as Autism and ADHD.
What is CHIRP?
CHIRP is an information gathering and advisory service for children with developmental, attention and/or behavioural concerns. We gather information to better understand the needs of each individual child so that we can link families / whānau with appropriate services for assessment and support.
What to expect
Your GP or school might refer your child to the CHIRP team if there are concerns about your child's development, challenging behaviours, and possible neurodiversity such as Autism and ADHD.
We’ll gather information and learn what we can about your child. If your child is at pre-school, school or kōhanga reo, we may also ask them to help as well.
We then bring together experts from our Child Development Services, Paediatrics Department, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services and Education. Based on the information gathered we'll assess your child's needs and then recommend the best team(s) to support your child and whānau.
Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi
How do I access this service?
Referral Expectations
You may be referred into the CHIRP team by your family doctor, Plunket nurse, school, hauora provider or another healthcare professional.
Please be advised that we are not an urgent service and there will be some waiting time after your referral.
If you require urgent support, please contact your GP or phone the local mental health crisis team. You can access information about a wide range of topics related to children’s health such as anxiety or sleep at
Fees and Charges Description
Government funding of health and disability services means that eligible people may receive free inpatient and outpatient public hospital services, subsidies on prescription items and a range of support services for people with disabilities in the community.
Check to see if you are eligible for publicly funded health and disability services here.
CHIRP is a triage service for children with developmental, attentional and/or behavioural concerns, that are of clinical significance, impact on the child’s functioning across home and educational settings and may be due to an underlying neurodevelopmental condition including autism, ADHD and/or intellectual disability. Eligibility Criteria Young person is 14 years or younger Guardians have consented to the referral Exclusion Criteria CHIRP do not assess for learning difficulties, i.e. dyslexia, auditory processing disorder ADHD cannot be assessed for children under the age of 6 years (please see resources for information and strategies to support children under the age of 6 years e.g Incredible Years or Parent to Parent) Patient must: Reside in Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty Referral to include: Comprehensive information will expedite the service response. Where available please include: Any relevant family history (including family members with ASD/ADHD/learning difficulties, mental and physical wellbeing of family members, parental separation, loss, grief or trauma) School information (which schools/preschool is attended and since when, educational concerns, academic performance) Supporting information from whānau and other involved services Parent and Teacher Vanderbilt screening in case of attention, impulsive or hyperactive behaviours
CHIRP is a triage service for children with developmental, attentional and/or behavioural concerns, that are of clinical significance, impact on the child’s functioning across home and educational settings and may be due to an underlying neurodevelopmental condition including autism, ADHD and/or intellectual disability. Eligibility Criteria Young person is 14 years or younger Guardians have consented to the referral Exclusion Criteria CHIRP do not assess for learning difficulties, i.e. dyslexia, auditory processing disorder ADHD cannot be assessed for children under the age of 6 years (please see resources for information and strategies to support children under the age of 6 years e.g Incredible Years or Parent to Parent) Patient must: Reside in Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty Referral to include: Comprehensive information will expedite the service response. Where available please include: Any relevant family history (including family members with ASD/ADHD/learning difficulties, mental and physical wellbeing of family members, parental separation, loss, grief or trauma) School information (which schools/preschool is attended and since when, educational concerns, academic performance) Supporting information from whānau and other involved services Parent and Teacher Vanderbilt screening in case of attention, impulsive or hyperactive behaviours
CHIRP is a triage service for children with developmental, attentional and/or behavioural concerns, that are of clinical significance, impact on the child’s functioning across home and educational settings and may be due to an underlying neurodevelopmental condition including autism, ADHD and/or intellectual disability.
Eligibility Criteria
- Young person is 14 years or younger
- Guardians have consented to the referral
Exclusion Criteria
- CHIRP do not assess for learning difficulties, i.e. dyslexia, auditory processing disorder
- ADHD cannot be assessed for children under the age of 6 years (please see resources for information and strategies to support children under the age of 6 years e.g Incredible Years or Parent to Parent)
Patient must:
- Reside in Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty
Referral to include:
Comprehensive information will expedite the service response. Where available please include:
- Any relevant family history (including family members with ASD/ADHD/learning difficulties, mental and physical wellbeing of family members, parental separation, loss, grief or trauma)
- School information (which schools/preschool is attended and since when, educational concerns, academic performance)
- Supporting information from whānau and other involved services
- Parent and Teacher Vanderbilt screening in case of attention, impulsive or hyperactive behaviours
ADHD NZ - Non-profit organisation committed to supporting those with ADHD living in New Zealand. Provide practical information and support to the ADHD community., Altogether Autism - Trusted Autism information and advice in New Zealand. Resources and courses for children and whānau., Autism New Zealand - Empowers the Autistic and Autism communities to make informed choices and take action: Every step together. Resources, education, support services., Autism Service, Health Care New Zealand - 0800 605 001 - Explore is funded through the Ministry of Health to support parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with autism. Specialist service, group service, education., Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand - Provide a voice and service to those with Dyslexia as well as those supporting them. Resources, information, local service providers., Dyspraxia New Zealand - The Dyspraxia Support Group of New Zealand Inc. provides support, training, resources and information about Developmental Dyspraxia/ Developmental Co-ordination Disorder., Incredible Years - A series of evidence-based programs for parents, children and teachers, supported by over 30 years of research. The goal is to prevent and treat young children's behaviour problems and promote their social, emotional, and academic competence. Please talk to the team you are working with if you are interested in a referral to an Incredible Years programme., Kids Health: Access information about a wide range of topics related to children’s health such as anxiety, sleep, illness., Ministry of Education, Learning support - Information of learning support provide within the education system and how to access it if you have worries., Parent to Parent - Empowering families and whānau of people with disabilities and health impairments through support and information. Workshops, support groups resources. Jane Ford Coastal BOP co-ordinator 027 808 3945 or, Triple P Parenting - Positive Parenting Programs that provide simple practical strategies, helping parents manage everything from toddler tantrums and disobedience to setting up better routines for bedtime and mornings. Online and in-person options. Free for parents/caregivers to children aged 3-12 years in the Bay of Plenty region.
ADHD NZ - Non-profit organisation committed to supporting those with ADHD living in New Zealand. Provide practical information and support to the ADHD community., Altogether Autism - Trusted Autism information and advice in New Zealand. Resources and courses for children and whānau., Autism New Zealand - Empowers the Autistic and Autism communities to make informed choices and take action: Every step together. Resources, education, support services., Autism Service, Health Care New Zealand - 0800 605 001 - Explore is funded through the Ministry of Health to support parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with autism. Specialist service, group service, education., Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand - Provide a voice and service to those with Dyslexia as well as those supporting them. Resources, information, local service providers., Dyspraxia New Zealand - The Dyspraxia Support Group of New Zealand Inc. provides support, training, resources and information about Developmental Dyspraxia/ Developmental Co-ordination Disorder., Incredible Years - A series of evidence-based programs for parents, children and teachers, supported by over 30 years of research. The goal is to prevent and treat young children's behaviour problems and promote their social, emotional, and academic competence. Please talk to the team you are working with if you are interested in a referral to an Incredible Years programme., Kids Health: Access information about a wide range of topics related to children’s health such as anxiety, sleep, illness., Ministry of Education, Learning support - Information of learning support provide within the education system and how to access it if you have worries., Parent to Parent - Empowering families and whānau of people with disabilities and health impairments through support and information. Workshops, support groups resources. Jane Ford Coastal BOP co-ordinator 027 808 3945 or, Triple P Parenting - Positive Parenting Programs that provide simple practical strategies, helping parents manage everything from toddler tantrums and disobedience to setting up better routines for bedtime and mornings. Online and in-person options. Free for parents/caregivers to children aged 3-12 years in the Bay of Plenty region.
- ADHD NZ - Non-profit organisation committed to supporting those with ADHD living in New Zealand. Provide practical information and support to the ADHD community.
- Altogether Autism - Trusted Autism information and advice in New Zealand. Resources and courses for children and whānau.
- Autism New Zealand - Empowers the Autistic and Autism communities to make informed choices and take action: Every step together. Resources, education, support services.
- Autism Service, Health Care New Zealand - 0800 605 001 - Explore is funded through the Ministry of Health to support parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with autism. Specialist service, group service, education.
- Dyslexia Foundation of New Zealand - Provide a voice and service to those with Dyslexia as well as those supporting them. Resources, information, local service providers.
- Dyspraxia New Zealand - The Dyspraxia Support Group of New Zealand Inc. provides support, training, resources and information about Developmental Dyspraxia/ Developmental Co-ordination Disorder.
- Incredible Years - A series of evidence-based programs for parents, children and teachers, supported by over 30 years of research. The goal is to prevent and treat young children's behaviour problems and promote their social, emotional, and academic competence. Please talk to the team you are working with if you are interested in a referral to an Incredible Years programme.
- Kids Health: Access information about a wide range of topics related to children’s health such as anxiety, sleep, illness.
- Ministry of Education, Learning support - Information of learning support provide within the education system and how to access it if you have worries.
- Parent to Parent - Empowering families and whānau of people with disabilities and health impairments through support and information. Workshops, support groups resources.
Jane Ford Coastal BOP co-ordinator 027 808 3945 or - Triple P Parenting - Positive Parenting Programs that provide simple practical strategies, helping parents manage everything from toddler tantrums and disobedience to setting up better routines for bedtime and mornings. Online and in-person options. Free for parents/caregivers to children aged 3-12 years in the Bay of Plenty region.
Disability Assistance
Wheelchair access
See here for how to get to our hospitals, where to park and what facilities are available, as well as other helpful information about preparing for your appointment or hospital visit.
Contact Details
106 Commerce Street, Whakatāne
Bay of Plenty
(07) 306 3124
027 261 9506
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This page was last updated at 10:43AM on January 15, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Child Health Integrated Response Pathway (CHIRP) | Bay of Plenty | Hauora a Toi.