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Community Health Service | Counties Manukau
Public Service, Community, Community Health, Allied Health
Specialist Community Health Services supports patients and their whaanau by providing healthcare close to where patients live. There are five locality based Community Health Teams (CHT) consisting of District Nurses, Allied Health Clinicians, Needs Assessors and Community Health Assistants.
These teams are all supported by a centralised Community Central triage and coordination team. There are also Community Hubs providing outpatient clinic facilities across the district with Hubs located in Franklin, Ōtara, Māngere, Manukau and Botany.
Community Health Service provided by Counties Manukau Health
Services are based at:
Community Health Team Māngere/Ōtara
- Māngere Clinic Māngere Community Health Centre, Level 2 10 Waddon Place, Māngere
- Ōtara Clinic: Te Tomokanga Ki Te Ora, 112 Bairds Road, (Cnr Bairds Rd & Alexander Cres)
- Patient information booklets: English, Maaori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi and Simplified Chinese
Community Health Team Eastern
- Botany SuperClinic 260 Botany Road, Howick
- Ormiston Medical Centre, Level 2 Doctors, 211 Ormiston Rd, Flat Bush
- Patient information booklets: English, Maaori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi and Simplified Chinese
Community Health Team Manukau
- Awhinatia Health 5-19 Great South Road, Papakura
- Patient information booklets: English, Maaori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi and Simplified Chinese
Community Health Team Franklin
- Pukekohe Hospital 1, Tuakau Rd, Pukekohe
- Patient information booklets: English, Maaori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi and Simplified Chinese
How do I access this service?
Send referrals to
Referral Expectations
You will be referred to the Community Health Service by your General Practitioner, Practice Nurse, hospital inpatient team or by the outpatient clinic.
What to expect
Your referral will be sent by email to our central referral centre where it will be processed and sent to the appropriate health provider. Some services do have waiting lists and referrals are seen in order of need/risk. If you are placed on a waiting list, you will receive a letter.
The first member of the Community Health Service who visits you will complete a comprehensive general assessment. This may take up to an hour. If another concern is identified they will then refer you on to the appropriate member of the team to assist you with this.
Your care will continue until the situation has been managed or resolved. A letter outlining the care you have received will be sent to your GP on discharge from our care.
While receiving care from us your GP still has the overall management of your care. The Privacy Act and the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights will be explained to you and at times we may need to share information about your progress with other healthcare professionals involved with your care. We provide home based care but there are also clinics available to people who are mobile.
District Nurse services are available 7 days per week. Service in the weekends and public holidays is limited to essential care only as we have reduced staffing levels. The other team members work Monday to Friday.
Most District Nursing visits are conducted between 9am – 2pm. We ask that you remain at home if you are expecting a visit. If you are not going to be home please call to let us know so that we can then visit someone else. If you are not at home for 2 visits we may discharge you back to your GP for ongoing care.
You will usually receive a phone call prior to our visit on the first occasion. Please ensure that dogs are restrained to allow access to your home and that other hazards are identified to the healthcare professional prior to their visit.
Fees and Charges Description
There are no charges for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet one of the Eligibility Directions specified criteria set by the Ministry of Health. If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full costs of any medical treatment you receive during your stay.
To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website.
For any applicable charges, please phone the Accounts Receivable Office on (09) 276 0060.
Ōtara Hub, 112 Bairds Road, Ōtara, Auckland
Monday to Friday: 8.00am - 4.30pm
Services Provided
Undertake activities under the direction of clinicians.
Undertake activities under the direction of clinicians.
Undertake activities under the direction of clinicians.
This service provides continence support and assessments for people from the age of 4 with bowel and bladder problems. Please note - children accepted to the service need to have a condition which affects their normal growth and development. Your continence assessment may include: An appointment with the Continence Nurse or Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Assessment of bladder and bowel problems Bladder diary Bladder ultrasound scan From this assessment a treatment plan will be discussed with you and agreed upon to improve your symptoms. This may include: Education and support to you and your carers Pelvic floor exercises +/- bladder retraining Bowel management programmes Advice on continence products and the supply of products where the Ministry of Health Continence Service Specifications criteria are met. Referral on to other specialist services such as Urology as needed NOTE: Products are NOT a first line treatment and will be offered to those that meet criteria GP referral - Information required Incontinence needs to have been an issue for longer than 3 months. New Zealand citizen or permanent resident Those aged 4-10 years with a condition that affects their normal development. Frequently asked questions: 1. Will I get supplied with pads? A full assessment needs to be done to see if continence products are required and meet the Ministry of Health Criteria. 2. How can I get a referral to the service? Your GP or other healthcare professional can refer via e-referral Resources: Continence NZ Counties Manukau pelvic health physio’s video Children with soiling issues “the poo in you” Phone: Continence helpline 0800 650 659
This service provides continence support and assessments for people from the age of 4 with bowel and bladder problems. Please note - children accepted to the service need to have a condition which affects their normal growth and development. Your continence assessment may include: An appointment with the Continence Nurse or Pelvic Health Physiotherapist Assessment of bladder and bowel problems Bladder diary Bladder ultrasound scan From this assessment a treatment plan will be discussed with you and agreed upon to improve your symptoms. This may include: Education and support to you and your carers Pelvic floor exercises +/- bladder retraining Bowel management programmes Advice on continence products and the supply of products where the Ministry of Health Continence Service Specifications criteria are met. Referral on to other specialist services such as Urology as needed NOTE: Products are NOT a first line treatment and will be offered to those that meet criteria GP referral - Information required Incontinence needs to have been an issue for longer than 3 months. New Zealand citizen or permanent resident Those aged 4-10 years with a condition that affects their normal development. Frequently asked questions: 1. Will I get supplied with pads? A full assessment needs to be done to see if continence products are required and meet the Ministry of Health Criteria. 2. How can I get a referral to the service? Your GP or other healthcare professional can refer via e-referral Resources: Continence NZ Counties Manukau pelvic health physio’s video Children with soiling issues “the poo in you” Phone: Continence helpline 0800 650 659
Service types: Community nursing, Continence, Physiotherapy, Pelvic health physiotherapy.
This service provides continence support and assessments for people from the age of 4 with bowel and bladder problems. Please note - children accepted to the service need to have a condition which affects their normal growth and development.
Your continence assessment may include:
- An appointment with the Continence Nurse or Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
- Assessment of bladder and bowel problems
- Bladder diary
- Bladder ultrasound scan
From this assessment a treatment plan will be discussed with you and agreed upon to improve your symptoms. This may include:
- Education and support to you and your carers
- Pelvic floor exercises +/- bladder retraining
- Bowel management programmes
- Advice on continence products and the supply of products where the Ministry of Health Continence Service Specifications criteria are met.
- Referral on to other specialist services such as Urology as needed
NOTE: Products are NOT a first line treatment and will be offered to those that meet criteria
GP referral - Information required
- Incontinence needs to have been an issue for longer than 3 months.
- New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
- Those aged 4-10 years with a condition that affects their normal development.
Frequently asked questions:
1. Will I get supplied with pads?
A full assessment needs to be done to see if continence products are required and meet the Ministry of Health Criteria.
2. How can I get a referral to the service?
Your GP or other healthcare professional can refer via e-referral
Counties Manukau pelvic health physio’s video
Children with soiling issues “the poo in you”
Phone: Continence helpline 0800 650 659
- Stress Incontinence (PDF, 358.5 KB)
- Overactive Bladder (PDF, 370.4 KB)
- Bladder Diary (PDF, 210.3 KB)
- Pelvic Floor Exercises (PDF, 305.4 KB)
- Constipation (PDF, 345.4 KB)
- Urinary Tract Infection (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Toilet Training for Children with Special Needs (PDF, 3.1 MB)
- Toilet Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- Urodynamics Testing (PDF, 288.7 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Dietitians are experts in nutrition and can give advice about diets to gain weight as well as diets that help with certain illnesses.
Dietitians are experts in nutrition and can give advice about diets to gain weight as well as diets that help with certain illnesses.
Service types: Dietitian.
Dietitians are experts in nutrition and can give advice about diets to gain weight as well as diets that help with certain illnesses.
District Nurses provide specialist nursing care and assessment to people within their own environment. They have expert knowledge in palliative care, wound care, the giving of intravenous medication, continence, rheumatic fever, stoma management and ACC wound care to people of all ages.
District Nurses provide specialist nursing care and assessment to people within their own environment. They have expert knowledge in palliative care, wound care, the giving of intravenous medication, continence, rheumatic fever, stoma management and ACC wound care to people of all ages.
Service types: Community nursing.
District Nurses provide specialist nursing care and assessment to people within their own environment. They have expert knowledge in palliative care, wound care, the giving of intravenous medication, continence, rheumatic fever, stoma management and ACC wound care to people of all ages.
Occupational Therapists are experts in function. They look at what you do during the day and what might help you to achieve things you are struggling with. They usually see you in your home environment to look at how you manage. There is a waiting list.
Occupational Therapists are experts in function. They look at what you do during the day and what might help you to achieve things you are struggling with. They usually see you in your home environment to look at how you manage. There is a waiting list.
Service types: Occupational therapy (OT).
Occupational Therapists are experts in function. They look at what you do during the day and what might help you to achieve things you are struggling with. They usually see you in your home environment to look at how you manage. There is a waiting list.
Physiotherapists help people move and participate in life and in their communities, especially when movement and function are threatened by ageing, injury, disability or disease. After assessing a patient’s potential for movement and function, the physiotherapist establishes (together with the patient, whanau/family and caregivers) treatment goals designed to restore or develop that potential, and then maintain it. The physiotherapy process involves assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, treatment or rehabilitation. Home Health Care Physiotherapists assess and provide therapy for you in your home environment or local community. This service is provided for clients that are not able to attend an outpatient clinic or where your home environment is deemed to be the most appropriate place to assess you. Possible therapy includes a tailored exercise programme, support and education for you to be able to manage your condition, advice on environmental factors if appropriate and equipment prescription if required. Physiotherapists work closely with other health care professionals involved in your care to help you achieve your goals. Home Health Care physiotherapists do not see ACC clients – please refer to Outpatient Physiotherapy at Middlemore or Pukekohe Hospitals or your local private physiotherapy clinic. There is currently a waiting list for community physiotherapy services.
Physiotherapists help people move and participate in life and in their communities, especially when movement and function are threatened by ageing, injury, disability or disease. After assessing a patient’s potential for movement and function, the physiotherapist establishes (together with the patient, whanau/family and caregivers) treatment goals designed to restore or develop that potential, and then maintain it. The physiotherapy process involves assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, treatment or rehabilitation. Home Health Care Physiotherapists assess and provide therapy for you in your home environment or local community. This service is provided for clients that are not able to attend an outpatient clinic or where your home environment is deemed to be the most appropriate place to assess you. Possible therapy includes a tailored exercise programme, support and education for you to be able to manage your condition, advice on environmental factors if appropriate and equipment prescription if required. Physiotherapists work closely with other health care professionals involved in your care to help you achieve your goals. Home Health Care physiotherapists do not see ACC clients – please refer to Outpatient Physiotherapy at Middlemore or Pukekohe Hospitals or your local private physiotherapy clinic. There is currently a waiting list for community physiotherapy services.
Service types: Physiotherapy.
Physiotherapists help people move and participate in life and in their communities, especially when movement and function are threatened by ageing, injury, disability or disease.
After assessing a patient’s potential for movement and function, the physiotherapist establishes (together with the patient, whānau/family and caregivers) treatment goals designed to restore or develop that potential, and then maintain it.
The physiotherapy process involves assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, treatment or rehabilitation.
Home Health Care Physiotherapists assess and provide therapy for you in your home environment or local community. This service is provided for clients that are not able to attend an outpatient clinic or where your home environment is deemed to be the most appropriate place to assess you. Possible therapy includes a tailored exercise programme, support and education for you to be able to manage your condition, advice on environmental factors if appropriate and equipment prescription if required. Physiotherapists work closely with other health care professionals involved in your care to help you achieve your goals.
Home Health Care physiotherapists do not see ACC clients – please refer to Outpatient Physiotherapy at Middlemore or Pukekohe Hospitals or your local private physiotherapy clinic.
There is currently a waiting list for community physiotherapy services.
Speech Therapists are experts in problems with speech and communication. They are also experts in swallowing.
Speech Therapists are experts in problems with speech and communication. They are also experts in swallowing.
Service types: Speech language therapy.
Speech Therapists are experts in problems with speech and communication. They are also experts in swallowing.
There is a Community Specialty Nurse, Continence Nurse Specialist, Stomal Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, Wound Care Nurse Specialist and Complex Case Management Team to ensure that you and your whaanau are getting the best care in the community.
There is a Community Specialty Nurse, Continence Nurse Specialist, Stomal Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, Wound Care Nurse Specialist and Complex Case Management Team to ensure that you and your whaanau are getting the best care in the community.
Service types: Community nursing, Specialist nursing.
There is a Community Specialty Nurse, Continence Nurse Specialist, Stomal Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, Wound Care Nurse Specialist and Complex Case Management Team to ensure that you and your whaanau are getting the best care in the community.
Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.
Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.
- Home equipment
- Home visits
- Home visit by nurse
Home support services provide support with household tasks and personal care to help you live independently at home.
Aids and equipment
Aids and equipment
- Aids and equipment
Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.
Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.
- Mobility equipment
- Foot care
- Home visits by nurse
- Rehabilitation therapy
Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.
Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.
Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.
- Healthy eating education
Supporting wellbeing and living a healthy lifestyle.
Document Downloads
Eastern Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - English
Eastern Community Health Team
(PDF, 2.5 MB)
Patient Information - Chinese
Eastern Community Health Team
(PDF, 6.2 MB)
Patient Information - Hindi
Eastern Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.3 MB)
Patient Information - Maaori
Eastern Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - Samoan
Eastern Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.5 MB)
Patient Information - Tongan
Franklin Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - English
Franklin Community Health Team
(PDF, 2.5 MB)
Patient Information - Chinese
Franklin Community Health Team
(PDF, 5.2 MB)
Patient Information - Hindi
Franklin Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.3 MB)
Patient Information - Maaori
Franklin Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - Samoan
Franklin Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - Tongan
Manukau Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - English
Manukau Community Health Team
(PDF, 2.6 MB)
Patient Information - Chinese
Manukau Community Health Team
(PDF, 5.2 MB)
Patient Information - Hindi
Manukau Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.3 MB)
Patient Information - Maaori
Manukau Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - Samoan
Manukau Community Health Team
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Patient Information - Tongan
Otara / Mangere Community Health Team
(PDF, 3.6 MB)
Patient Information - English
Otara / Mangere Community Health Team
(PDF, 4 MB)
Patient Information - Chinese
Otara / Mangere Community Health Team
(PDF, 6.9 MB)
Patient Information - Hindi
Otara / Mangere Community Health Team
(PDF, 3.3 MB)
Patient Information - Maaori
Otara / Mangere Community Health Team
(PDF, 3.3 MB)
Patient Information - Samoan
Otara / Mangere Community Health Team
(PDF, 3.2 MB)
Patient Information - Tongan
Parking at all bases is available free of charge
South Auckland, East Auckland
Contact Details
Ōtara Hub, 112 Bairds Road, Ōtara, Auckland
South Auckland
(09) 277 3490
112 Bairds Road
Auckland 2023
Street Address
112 Bairds Road
Auckland 2023
Postal Address
Community Health Service
Private Bag 93311
Auckland 1640
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This page was last updated at 10:24AM on October 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Community Health Service | Counties Manukau.
Social Workers can work with individuals, families, whanau and community resources to empower people to make informed choices to promote their quality of life and wellbeing. We will provide information regarding support service resources and assist people to access these resources. We also provide counselling and can liaise and advocate on your behalf.
Service types: Social work.
Social Workers can work with individuals, families, whānau and community resources to empower people to make informed choices to promote their quality of life and wellbeing. We will provide information regarding support service resources and assist people to access these resources. We also provide counselling and can liaise and advocate on your behalf.