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Transport & Accommodation Assistance | Lakes

Public Service, Community


9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


The Lakes National Travel Assistance and Services are available to NTA registered patients to help with travel and accommodation costs. We also provide temporary accommodation at Paimarie, to the support person(s) of inpatients at Rotorua Hospital.

Transport and Accommodation Assistance

There is help available for patients who qualify for National Travel Assistance, and have been referred by their local specialist to publicly funded appointments out of town. Assistance includes:

  • Lakes NTA Transport Service - shuttle service for patients needing transport to attend out of town health related appointments. (Available in Rotorua, Taupō and Tūrangi.)
  • Private Vehicle Mileage - reimbursement for mileage between a patient's home address and the attending facility.
  • Accommodation Costs - accommodation can be booked on your behalf at one of our preferred accommodation providers or you can claim back some accommodation costs for your own arrangements.

Please note:  Not everyone qualifies for full assistance.  Please discuss your circumstances with the coordinator to see what help is available.

Paimarie - Family/Whānau Accommodation (Rotorua)

Rotorua Hospital services a wide area, and many of our patients come from out of town.  We understand how crucial it can be to a patient’s recovery that they are surrounded by loved ones.  Lakes is committed to providing temporary, comfortable and affordable accommodation to the support person(s) of inpatients at Rotorua Hospital.  Our facility, Paimarie, enables family /whānau members to be close to the patient and still have somewhere to rest and have a break.

Check In is 2.30pm daily
Check Out is 11.00am daily

Cost is $40 per unit per night.  National Travel Assistance funding may apply if you live more than 100km from Rotorua Hospital.

Referral Expectations

If you answer yes to any of the following you are most likely eligible for National Travel Assistance and should call the Lakes NTA coordinator to register and enquire about the services we offer.

If you have been referred from one specialist to another specialist (not your GP/family doctor) and you: 

  • are a child and need to travel more than 80km one way to your appointment
  • are an adult and need to travel more than 350km one way to your appointment
  • are a child with a Community Services Card (or linked to parents) and need to travel more than 25km one way to your appointment
  • are an adult with a Community Services Card who needs to travel more than 80km one way to your appointment
  • have 22 specialist visits within two months
  • have six specialist visits within six months and travel more than 25 km (child) or 50km (adult) one way to your appointment.

To find out if you qualify for travel, accommodation and shuttle service, please phone: 

Lakes National Travel Assistance (NTA) Office 0800 768 537 Monday to Friday 9.00am — 4.00pm (excluding public holidays).


To enquire about Paimarie please contact: Paimarie Coordinator 0800 768 537  Monday to Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm

After hours/weekends/public holidays - Enquiries to the Duty Manager via the front reception.


9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

National Travel Assistance (NTA) office can be contacted Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm.

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Contact Details

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

This page was last updated at 4:30PM on December 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Transport & Accommodation Assistance | Lakes.