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Emergency Department (ED) - Waitakere Hospital | Waitematā
Public Service, Emergency
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
The Emergency Department (ED) is the place at Waitakere Hospital where people with acute and emergency health problems are assessed and treated. People presenting to the ED are seen initially by the triage nurse. There are many different groups of doctors from different services assessing patients in the ED, but the ED nurses care for all patients in the ED.
Most people presenting to the ED are self-referrals so have not seen their family doctor or GP before coming to hospital. These patients are assessed and treated by the Emergency Medicine doctors, and are either discharged home or referred to other services for admission or further investigation.
Some people seen by their family doctors are referred to hospital to see doctors and staff from the inpatient specialty services.
Emergency Medicine specialises in the diagnosis, management and treatment of acute and urgent illnesses and injuries that may be life-threatening and require immediate attention.
Other specialty services with doctors and staff assessing patients in the ED include General Medicine, Paediatrics and Mental Health.
What is Triage?
All patients presenting to the ED are triaged by a senior nurse according to the Australasian Triage Scale (ATS) to determine the nature and severity of the illness or injury. On the basis of this assessment, those with more severe symptoms or injuries are treated before those with less serious conditions. The triage nurse may discuss the option of an appointment with the person's GP or other available healthcare facility if the presenting problem is non-urgent and there is a long waiting time to be seen.
How Many Patients Present to Waitakere ED Each Year?
In 2019 approximately 59,550 patients presented to ED at Waitakere. Of these 85% were first seen by Emergency Medicine doctors, and approximately 25% were children.
Dr Kate Allan
Clinical Director, Emergency Medicine
Dr Sarah Olsen
Associate Clinical Director, Emergency Medicine
Referral Expectations
Fees and Charges Description
It is WDHB policy to treat patients for acute and urgent care regardless of eligibility status. However, patients found to be not eligible receiving free NZ publicly-funded healthcare will be sent an invoice for the cost of treatment at WDHB.
Our ED staff are not able to establish eligibility at the time of presentation to the department, nor are able to accept payment at this time. You will receive an invoice in the mail with information on how your account can be paid.
Please visit the Ministry of Health website for more information on eligibility:
Please feel free to contact our Non-Resident Support Advisors during office hours for additional information:
Laura Panlilio RN North Shore Hospital Ph: (09) 486 8920 ext 7223 or 021 225 7831 |
Karen Magorian RN Waitakere Hospital Ph: (09) 838 1747 or 021 494 739 |
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
Mon – Sun | midnight – midnight |
Waitakere Hospital’s Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact Details
Waitakere Hospital
West Auckland
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.
(09) 839 0000
Waitakere Emergency Department Charge Nurse Manager: Sonia Panicker (Sonia.Paniker@waitematadhb.govt.nz)
Lincoln Road
Street Address
Lincoln Road
Postal Address
Waitemata Health
Private Bag 93503
Auckland 0740
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This page was last updated at 11:44AM on April 11, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Emergency Department (ED) - Waitakere Hospital | Waitematā.