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Northern Region Fertility Service (NRFS)
Public Service, Fertility, Gynaecology, Obstetrics (Maternity)
COVID-19 response
Please be advised that:
- All clinics are operating with safety precautions as the priority.
- Some appointments may be disrupted. Expect to liaise with your clinic about any changes.
- The situation will continue to be monitored for any further changes.
The COVID-19 response period has meant many changes across health services and general life in New Zealand. All Northern Region Fertility Service (NRFS) clinics have implemented safety protocols and continue to work together to ensure consistency and safe practice. Adjustments have been made to ensure that clinics and treatments are safe for patients and staff.
These adjustments include:
- Continuing to provide consultations virtually (phone or video) as much as possible
- Screening of patients by asking health questions prior to patients entering the clinic premises
- Reducing the number of face to face contacts to a minimum, including for laboratory visits and scans
- Reducing the number of people entering the clinic (including partners or support people)
- Spreading out individual patient visits to reduce crossover of patients. (This may mean that your appointment is at an unusual time as the clinic hours may be extended to accommodate this).
- Additional hygiene measures in relation to cleaning and sanitising
- Staff use of protective personal equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves and gowns in accordance with agreed clinical protocols.
As COVID-19 is a new illness, it is not known what impacts this infection may have on unborn children. The following advice has been prepared for patients undergoing fertility treatment to consider and includes links to clinical advice that is updated as the understanding of this disease develops. Please see the patient information in the link or in the downloads section below.
Current advice regarding COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women is available at The Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) and The Royal Australian and New Zealand Collge of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).
For those for whom the delay caused by COVID-19 will impact their eligibility criteria related to age, a grace period will be extended to accommodate the COVID-19 delay. This is intended to prevent any person’s eligibility from being adversely affected by the COVID-19 restrictions. Your fertility clinic will be in touch to confirm the next steps for your treatment.
About the NRFS
The NRFS provides coordination of referrals for publicly funded fertility services for the Northern region (Auckland, Waitematā, Counties Manukau and Northland region).
The NRFS has an Advisory Group. The purpose of the NRFS Advisory Group is to:
- monitor, review and oversee regional fertility services
- provide a forum for addressing questions and issues related to the regional provision of fertility services
- ensure there is a coordinated approach to public fertility services
- review and monitor referral pathways
- review, improve and monitor consumer feedback.
Publicly funded fertility services
In the Northern region there are three providers of publicly funded fertility services. They are:
The three fertility clinics provide a range of specialist Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) assessment and treatment services. People may need this service if they are:
- experiencing infertility
- experiencing familial genetic disorders
- experiencing biological infertility
- requiring fertility preservation for patients whose fertility may be permanently impaired by treatment, such as cancer treatment
- requiring advice and information on services and best practice guidelines on fertility issues.
Counselling services
Social work and counselling should be available to all patients to address the social and psychological effects of undergoing infertility treatment, fertility preservation, as well as other options such as adoption or living without children.
The needs of Māori people or those of other cultures may include involvement of whānau in counselling sessions.
There are a range of investigations and treatments that may be offered to you depending on the clinical reasons for the infertility. Ensure these are fully discussed with you and your whānau as appropriate. Informed consent is important before any treatment is commenced.
Patient information
The Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA) website from the United Kingdom provides valuable information for patients considering fertility treatment.
We recommend visiting the HFEA website. In particular the pages about fertility treatments and treatment add-ons are informative.
Registers of sperm, egg and embryo donations
Details of sperm, egg and embryo donors and children conceived from donations are kept on the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology (HART) Register.
Referral Expectations
Public referrals
Please see your GP if you have concerns regarding fertility issues.
If your GP confirms a referral to fertility services is required a referral will be sent to NRFS, eligibility for a publicly funded specialist appointment will be checked and from there you will be allocated to one of three providers in the Auckland region. The clinic will make contact with you to organise your first appointment. This appointment is called a First Specialist Appointment (FSA). The purpose of the FSA is to:
- Complete an initial assessment by a specialist fertility clinician
- Confirm that you meet the service’s access criteria and are suitable for treatment - if you do not meet the criteria for further treatment you will be referred back to your GP with an explanation of the reason(s).
- Discuss potential treatment options and management plans. This discussion will include expectations, possible risks, after care arrangements, expected waiting time to receive treatment. Essential information should be supplied in writing.
Please note that eligibility for an FSA does not mean eligibility for fertility treatment. At the FSA patients will be assessed for their eligibility for treatment using a CPAC scoring system. For more details please visit National Women's website. Once this CPAC scoring is completed you will then be informed of your eligibility for treatment.
Eligibility criteria for publicly funded referrals to NRFS for an FSA for biological infertility include:
- Woman <40 years at time of referral
- New Zealand resident(s) or work permit for at least two years (this applies to both couples, not just the woman). Proof of residency/citizenship/work visa must be provided before eligibility for treatment can be confirmed
- One year of infertility or known severe cause.
The referral requires information on both the patient requiring review and their partner.
If the couple have two or more children they are not eligible for publicly funded fertility treatment.
Women with a BMI >32 and / or smoke may be eligible for an FSA but they will not be eligible for publicly funded treatment.
The following tests should be completed but do not need to be attached to the referral:
- Semen analysis
- Current smear
- HIV, Hep B, Hep C (male and female)
- FSH and estradiol level Day 2-4 of cycle (within 6 months)
- Progesterone level 6-8 days before menses.
Public referrals should be sent to:
Northern Regional Fertility Service
37 Taharoto Road, Private Bag 93 503, Takapuna, Auckland 0622.
Any woman who is or is not eligible for a public referral or public treatment can approach any of the providers for a private consultation and/or treatment.
Fees and Charges Description
No co-payment will be sought from patients for any fertility treatment if they are eligible for publicly funded treatment, this includes supplies and equipment but there may be prescription charges.
Charges for transfer of embryos from clinics outside the region may apply.
See download "Detail on Eligibility for Publicly Funded Fertility Services" for further detail related to PGD and fertility preservation.
Conditions / Procedures / Treatments
Tubal Infertility IVF was originally developed to help women whose fallopian tubes are blocked and for whom surgery to overcome the blockage is not possible, or unsuccessful. It is now also used for: Endometriosis This is a condition when the tissue that lines the uterus (called the endometrium) is found outside of the uterus. It is 'trapped' in the pelvic area and can affect the ovaries, uterus, and nearby structures. It often causes lower abdominal pain and/or painful periods. This condition is often associated with infertility even when the tubes are open and the woman is ovulating regularly. Unexplained Infertility Couples who have been fully investigated and for whom no cause for fertility problems is found. Male Factor Current assisted reproductive techniques have meant that egg fertilisation can be achieved with very low numbers of motile ejaculated sperm and even sperm surgically retrieved from the testicles. Ovulatory Disorders Where an egg is not released from the ovary (ovulation) naturally/regularly. If you wish to read more general information regarding fertility issues you can go to the following link
Tubal Infertility IVF was originally developed to help women whose fallopian tubes are blocked and for whom surgery to overcome the blockage is not possible, or unsuccessful. It is now also used for: Endometriosis This is a condition when the tissue that lines the uterus (called the endometrium) is found outside of the uterus. It is 'trapped' in the pelvic area and can affect the ovaries, uterus, and nearby structures. It often causes lower abdominal pain and/or painful periods. This condition is often associated with infertility even when the tubes are open and the woman is ovulating regularly. Unexplained Infertility Couples who have been fully investigated and for whom no cause for fertility problems is found. Male Factor Current assisted reproductive techniques have meant that egg fertilisation can be achieved with very low numbers of motile ejaculated sperm and even sperm surgically retrieved from the testicles. Ovulatory Disorders Where an egg is not released from the ovary (ovulation) naturally/regularly. If you wish to read more general information regarding fertility issues you can go to the following link
Service types: In vitro fertilisation (IVF), Infertility (problems getting pregnant), Male infertility.
Tubal Infertility
IVF was originally developed to help women whose fallopian tubes are blocked and for whom surgery to overcome the blockage is not possible, or unsuccessful. It is now also used for:
This is a condition when the tissue that lines the uterus (called the endometrium) is found outside of the uterus. It is 'trapped' in the pelvic area and can affect the ovaries, uterus, and nearby structures. It often causes lower abdominal pain and/or painful periods. This condition is often associated with infertility even when the tubes are open and the woman is ovulating regularly.
Unexplained Infertility
Couples who have been fully investigated and for whom no cause for fertility problems is found.
Male Factor
Current assisted reproductive techniques have meant that egg fertilisation can be achieved with very low numbers of motile ejaculated sperm and even sperm surgically retrieved from the testicles.
Ovulatory Disorders
Where an egg is not released from the ovary (ovulation) naturally/regularly.
If you wish to read more general information regarding fertility issues you can go to the following link
Wait time for the first FSA should not exceed 4 months. Fertility treatment should normally be commenced within 12 months of it being offered and will usually be completed within 18 months of starting the first cycle of treatment. Fertility preservation treatment, including counselling, must be offered prior to the treatment that may permanently impair their future fertility. Information will be provided on this site on the wait times of the three clinics when this information is made available.
Wait time for the first FSA should not exceed 4 months. Fertility treatment should normally be commenced within 12 months of it being offered and will usually be completed within 18 months of starting the first cycle of treatment. Fertility preservation treatment, including counselling, must be offered prior to the treatment that may permanently impair their future fertility. Information will be provided on this site on the wait times of the three clinics when this information is made available.
Wait time for the first FSA should not exceed 4 months.
Fertility treatment should normally be commenced within 12 months of it being offered and will usually be completed within 18 months of starting the first cycle of treatment.
Fertility preservation treatment, including counselling, must be offered prior to the treatment that may permanently impair their future fertility.
Information will be provided on this site on the wait times of the three clinics when this information is made available.
Document Downloads
Detail on Eligibility for Publicly Funded Fertility Services
(PDF, 628.3 KB)
Northern Region Fertility Service detailed guidance on eligibility for Publicly Funded Fertility Services
- Information for People Requesting a Sperm or Egg Donor (PDF, 414.9 KB)
COVID-19 Patient information NRFS
(PDF, 246.3 KB)
Information for patients on COVID-19 from Northern Region Fertility Service

Contact Details
Referrals will not be picked up on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Referrals sent on these days will be actioned on Mondays.
Postal Address
Northern Region Fertility Service
37 Taharoto Road
Private Bag 93503
Takapuna 0622
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This page was last updated at 8:41AM on May 14, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Northern Region Fertility Service (NRFS).