Wellington > Public Hospital Services > Wāhi Rua: New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFMN) >
New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFMN) - Wellington
Public Service, Obstetrics (Maternity)
Click on the following link to view the New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFMN) homepage.
Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) is a branch of Women’s Health which includes high-risk pregnancy where the mother or baby or both has a problem. For most women the expectation is that pregnancy will be a happy time without problems and most will not need MFM services. However for the women who do these services are provided throughout New Zealand.
Common Questions about NZMFMN:
- What happens if there is a problem with my baby?
- When will I be seen?
- What will happen at the MFM unit?
- What about my LMC?
- Babies with heart problems
- Useful Links for Patient Support
NZMFMN Wellington
New Zealand Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFMN) is based at Wellington Hospital - Nga Puna Waiora
Fees and Charges Description
New Zealand citizens or those who have obtained permanent residence are entitled to publicly funded healthcare.
Non-residents may be required to pay for their healthcare. If you were not born in New Zealand and have not previously shown evidence of residency you should bring your passport with you on your first visit to the hospital for verification.
To check if you will need to pay visit the Ministry of Health website www.moh.govt.nz/eligibility
This Network was established in 2009 with support from the Ministry of Health to promote excellent MFM services around New Zealand and support maternity healthcare providers in District Health Boards. It is also hoped to encourage recruitment and retention within the sub-speciality field of Maternal Fetal Medicine. MFM includes the care of women with a high risk pregnancy. This may include women with a medical condition themselves or previous history of poor obstetric outcome. From the fetal perspective pregnancies complicated by fetal anomaly and complex multiple gestation are also cared for by MFM specialists and subspecialists. The subspecialities were developed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to : improve knowledge, practice, teaching and research promote the concentration of specialised expertise, special facilities and clinical material that will be of considerable benefit to some patients improve the recruitment of talented graduates into areas of recognised subspecialisation establish a close understanding and working relationship with other disciplines encourage co-ordinated management of relevant clinical services throughout a region accept a major regional responsibility for higher training, research and audit in areas of recognised subspecialisation establish, as far as possible, consistency in recruitment, training and assessment across areas of recognised subspecialisation.
This Network was established in 2009 with support from the Ministry of Health to promote excellent MFM services around New Zealand and support maternity healthcare providers in District Health Boards. It is also hoped to encourage recruitment and retention within the sub-speciality field of Maternal Fetal Medicine. MFM includes the care of women with a high risk pregnancy. This may include women with a medical condition themselves or previous history of poor obstetric outcome. From the fetal perspective pregnancies complicated by fetal anomaly and complex multiple gestation are also cared for by MFM specialists and subspecialists. The subspecialities were developed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to : improve knowledge, practice, teaching and research promote the concentration of specialised expertise, special facilities and clinical material that will be of considerable benefit to some patients improve the recruitment of talented graduates into areas of recognised subspecialisation establish a close understanding and working relationship with other disciplines encourage co-ordinated management of relevant clinical services throughout a region accept a major regional responsibility for higher training, research and audit in areas of recognised subspecialisation establish, as far as possible, consistency in recruitment, training and assessment across areas of recognised subspecialisation.
This Network was established in 2009 with support from the Ministry of Health to promote excellent MFM services around New Zealand and support maternity healthcare providers in District Health Boards. It is also hoped to encourage recruitment and retention within the sub-speciality field of Maternal Fetal Medicine.
MFM includes the care of women with a high risk pregnancy. This may include women with a medical condition themselves or previous history of poor obstetric outcome. From the fetal perspective pregnancies complicated by fetal anomaly and complex multiple gestation are also cared for by MFM specialists and subspecialists.
The subspecialities were developed by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to :
- improve knowledge, practice, teaching and research
- promote the concentration of specialised expertise, special facilities and clinical material that will be of considerable benefit to some patients
- improve the recruitment of talented graduates into areas of recognised subspecialisation
- establish a close understanding and working relationship with other disciplines
- encourage co-ordinated management of relevant clinical services throughout a region
- accept a major regional responsibility for higher training, research and audit in areas of recognised subspecialisation
- establish, as far as possible, consistency in recruitment, training and assessment across areas of recognised subspecialisation.
NZMFMN Wellington catchment area includes: Nelson Marlborough, Capital & Coast, Hutt, Whanganui, Taranaki, Mid Central, Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay & Tairāwhiti.
NZMFMN Wellington catchment area includes: Nelson Marlborough, Capital & Coast, Hutt, Whanganui, Taranaki, Mid Central, Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay & Tairāwhiti.
NZMFMN Wellington catchment area includes: Nelson Marlborough, Capital & Coast, Hutt, Whanganui, Taranaki, Mid Central, Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay & Tairāwhiti.
Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) Referral details required: formal referral letter to the MFM team. Complete the Maternal Fetal Medicine Service Referral form (pdf below) gravida and parity 1st antenatal bloods, copy of the ultrasound scan report, MSS results woman's phone number/s. The appointment will be delayed if the correct information is not supplied. Email completed form to: MFMReferrals@ccdhb.org.nz From 0800-1600 hrs For scheduling confirmation phone (04) 8060 763 For routine enquiries (MFM midwife) 021 1998223 After hours – Time critical clinical discussions call on call obstetrician via hospital switchboard (04) 385 5999
Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) Referral details required: formal referral letter to the MFM team. Complete the Maternal Fetal Medicine Service Referral form (pdf below) gravida and parity 1st antenatal bloods, copy of the ultrasound scan report, MSS results woman's phone number/s. The appointment will be delayed if the correct information is not supplied. Email completed form to: MFMReferrals@ccdhb.org.nz From 0800-1600 hrs For scheduling confirmation phone (04) 8060 763 For routine enquiries (MFM midwife) 021 1998223 After hours – Time critical clinical discussions call on call obstetrician via hospital switchboard (04) 385 5999
Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM)
Referral details required:
- formal referral letter to the MFM team. Complete the Maternal Fetal Medicine Service Referral form (pdf below)
- gravida and parity
- 1st antenatal bloods, copy of the ultrasound scan report, MSS results
- woman's phone number/s.
The appointment will be delayed if the correct information is not supplied.
Email completed form to: MFMReferrals@ccdhb.org.nz
From 0800-1600 hrs
For scheduling confirmation phone (04) 8060 763
For routine enquiries (MFM midwife) 021 1998223
After hours – Time critical clinical discussions call on call obstetrician via hospital switchboard (04) 385 5999
- Maternal Fetal Medicine Referral Form (PDF, 290.1 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Please click on the following link to view Recommendations of practice on the NZMFMN homepage.
Please click on the following link to view Recommendations of practice on the NZMFMN homepage.
Please click on the following link to view Recommendations of practice on the NZMFMN homepage.
Please click on the following link to view patient information leaftlets on the NZMFMN homepage.
Please click on the following link to view patient information leaftlets on the NZMFMN homepage.
Please click on the following link to view patient information leaftlets on the NZMFMN homepage.
- Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) (PDF, 290.1 KB)
- A Time to Decide (PDF, 125.9 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Please click on the following link to view what teaching opportunities are coming up at NZMFMN, on the NZMFMN homepage
Please click on the following link to view what teaching opportunities are coming up at NZMFMN, on the NZMFMN homepage
Please click on the following link to view what teaching opportunities are coming up at NZMFMN, on the NZMFMN homepage
Visiting Hours
Wellington Hospital visiting hours
The Campus Café
Weekdays: 7:30am - 4:15pm
Location: Level D, School of Medicine
Mojo Café
Weekdays: 7am - 4pm
Weekends: 9am - 4:30pm
Location: Main atrium foyer, Level 2
Weekdays: 7am -4pm
Saturday: 8am – 1:30pm
Sunday: 9am – 1:30pm
Location: Level 3, Clinical Services Block (CSB)
The hospital shop is located in the atrium of the main hospital. It is open from 8am - 3:30pm Mon to Fri, 9:00am - 3:00pm Sat & Sun.
Public Transport
A number of bus services pass by the main entrance of Wellington Hospital in Riddiford Street, Newtown. Details of times and bus numbers are available by calling (04) 801 7000 or visit the Metlink website.
For information about train timetables and fares, visit the TranzMetro website.
Parking areas for patients and visitors are provided as follows:
Main Public Car Park - entrance off Riddiford Street. This is a well lit car park with mechanical barrier arms at the entrance.
Collect your ticket on arrival from the machine on entering the underground car park.
All parking fees are payable when you leave the car park at any Auto Pay Station. You can pay with notes, coins or credit cards at the Auto Pay Station.
Alternatively there is an ASB ATM cashflow machine in the main atrium foyer, Level 2.
This machine accepts most major cards.
In Front of the Emergency Department - entrance off Riddiford Street. This is a Pay and Display car park and payment can be made by cash or credit card. Visitors bringing patients to the Emergency Department can request a permit to display in their car which entitles them to free parking.
Left Side of Hospital Road - public Pay and Display parking is provided on the left side of Hospital Road (if driving in from Adelaide Road) which is convenient for visitors to the Grace Neil Block. Payment is by cash or credit card.
Four Hour Short Term Car Park - entrance off Mein Street. This is a Pay and Display car park and is suitable for patients visiting the Orthopaedic Clinic. There are three designated mobility parks in this area.
Wellington Hospital map showing public car parking.
Car Park Management - If a patient or their primary support person visits the hospital more than three times per week, or is a long term regular patient, C&C DHB provides discounted parking. Please talk to the Charge Nurse Manager or Charge Midwife Manager in the department you are visiting about whether you are eligible for discounted parking.
Care Park manages the hospital car park in accordance with the C&C DHB Car Park Management Plan. Cars may be towed away if parked in no parking zones (yellow lines). Enforcement Notices are issued in Pay and Display areas where no valid coupon is displayed. All net income from the parking is used by C&C DHB to fund other projects such as the free patient shuttle from Kenepuru to Wellington Hospitals or an on-site shuttle service for patients.
Care Park contact: 0800 227 372.
On-Site Patient Shuttle
Wellington Hospital site is quite hilly and C&C DHB provides a free shuttle service for patients and visitors. This shuttle stops at the entrance to all buildings on site, and those catching public transport can catch the shuttle at the shelter just inside the Riddiford Street entrance. One of the shuttles is accessible for patients in wheelchairs.
Free Shuttle Service
A free shuttle for patients runs between Wellington and Kenepuru Hospitals. To book, please call Kenepuru Orderlies on (04) 385 5999 ext 7088.
The shuttle operates Monday to Friday: 7am - 6pm, departing from Wellington (Mein Street Entrance) and Kenepuru (Main Entrance) sites on the hour. Travel time is approximately 40 minutes.
This service also includes an internal run throughout the Wellington site with pick up and drop off from the Main Entrance, Riddiford Building, Main Outpatients, and the Blood and Cancer Centre.
Local motels
There are several motels situated near to the hospital.
Whānau Care Services
Accommodation at Te Pehi Parata Whānau Whare for patients & whānau.
Temporary accommodation is provided for patients and whānau who are supporting an inpatient from outside the Capital & Coast District Health Board region.
Sometimes patients who are booked to have surgery at Wellington Hospital need to come in before their operation to be assessed by the doctors or nurses. They may be asked to be at hospital early on the morning of their surgery. This can be difficult for patients who live out of the Wellington region.
· Accommodation is limited with pre-booking advised. There is one room per whānau for three or four people depending on availability.
· Book through Whānau Care Services between 8:00am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
· Children must be accompanied by an adult.
· The cost of a room is $30.00 a night with a $20.00 refundable key bond.
Ronald McDonald House
It's important for sick children to have their families near when they are in hospital. Ronald McDonald Houses is a home away from home where families can stay while their child is undergoing treatment at Wellington Hospital.
There is no limit on the time a family may spend in Ronald McDonald House - it's completely dependent on the needs of the child. Some families stay a few days and some for months.
Since the first New Zealand Ronald McDonald House opened in Wellington in 1991, thousands of families have been cared for. Each Ronald McDonald House in New Zealand is a charitable trust. Ronald McDonald House Charities are one of a family of supporters who contribute towards the establishment and running costs of each House.
Thanks to the support the Houses receive from businesses, individuals, Ronald McDonald House Charities and volunteers, there is no charge for families to stay at a Ronald McDonald House.
Medications are dispensed to inpatients while they are in hospital by the hospital pharmacy.
Retail pharmacies are located in the Newtown shopping area which is a 10-minute walk from the hospital.
Security orderlies are on duty 24 hours a day. They patrol all of the facilities on the hospital site.
The hospital and wards are locked down each night at 8:30pm. Security orderlies are stationed at the front of the hospital - Level 2, Wellington Regional Hospital (enter from Riddiford Street, Newtown).
Wheelchair Access
Wheelchair access is through the main entrance of Wellington Regional Hospital. Entry is via Riddiford Street, Newtown, or the underground carpark.
There are card and coin telephones in all the main corridors and foyers. If you cannot find one, please ask a staff member. Phone cards are available from the Atrium shop, main atrium foyer, Level 2 (entry via Riddiford Street, Newtown).
Banking Services
There is an ASB ATM cashflow machine in the main atrium foyer, Level 2, entry via Riddiford Street, Newtown. This machine accepts most major cards. Branches of most banks can be found in Newtown, a five minute walk south from the main entrance on Riddiford Street.
NZ Post
A NZ Post box is located in the main atrium foyer, Level 2, entry via Riddiford Street, Newtown.
Contact Details
Wellington Hospital - Nga Puna Waiora
(04) 806 0774
021 199 8223
Wellington Hospital
Riddiford Street
Wellington 6021
Street Address
Wellington Hospital
Riddiford Street
Wellington 6021
Postal Address
Women's Clinic - Maternal Fetal Medicine
Level 3 North
Wellington Hospital
Riddiford Street
Wellington 6021
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This page was last updated at 1:48PM on February 19, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by New Zealand Maternal Fetal Medicine Network (NZMFMN) - Wellington.