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Warkworth Birthing Centre

Public Service, Obstetrics (Maternity), Maternity/Birthing Facilities


Warkworth Birthing Centre opened in February 2000. It is situated in rural surroundings on a hill above the town and has a quiet, homely atmosphere.

Full birthing facilities are available for normal births and a pool is available for labour and birth. Your midwife provides your labour and birth care with your second midwife coming in to assist at the birth.

After the birth of your baby and until you go home there are registered midwives, registered nurses and maternity assistants to provide care for you and your baby. Your midwife will visit or phone you daily and continue to provide your postnatal care at home after discharge from the birthing centre.

If contemplating a normal birth or if you have had a previous normal vaginal birth then why not think about birthing at the Warkworth Birthing Centre?

To read more about Warkworth Birthing Centre, please visit our website - www.wwbc.co.nz

Referral Expectations

If you want to birth at the centre and/or stay postnatally, your LMC will assist you in filling out your booking form.

A booking form to print and fill out can be found on our website www.wwbc.co.nz.

Your LMC will also need to have an access agreement with us.

Fees and Charges Description

All our services are free to NZ citizens and to residents who qualify for healthcare in New Zealand.

For information about eligibility for healthcare in New Zealand refer to the Ministry of Health website www.health.govt.nz


Labour & Birth

The Centre has two birthing rooms both with their own deep pool, UE Boom speaker to play your own music selection, equipment for monitoring your baby and resuscitation equipment. The atmosphere encourages relaxation for both you and your partner/support people and there is easy access to our lovely gardens. Within the Centre there is plenty of lounge space for your family/whanau to use should they wish to be involved. See our website for information about labour and birth for both a first birth and a subsequent birth. After the birth you will have some time to relax and feed your baby, some food and drink and then pop into the shower for a well deserved wash. From here you transfer into your postnatal room. At this point your LMC will hand over care to the Birthing Centre staff.

The Centre has two birthing rooms both with their own deep pool, UE Boom speaker to play your own music selection, equipment for monitoring your baby and resuscitation equipment. The atmosphere encourages relaxation for both you and your partner/support people and there is easy access to our lovely gardens.

Within the Centre there is plenty of lounge space for your family/whanau to use should they wish to be involved.

See our website for information about labour and birth for both a first birth and a subsequent birth.

After the birth you will have some time to relax and feed your baby, some food and drink and then pop into the shower for a well deserved wash. From here you transfer into your postnatal room. 

At this point your LMC will hand over care to the Birthing Centre staff. 

Post Natal

During your postnatal stay a registered midwife or registered nurse will co-ordinate you and your baby's care. All our staff are well trained in postnatal care and we specialise in getting your breastfeeding off to a good start. If you have birthed at another hospital you will need to transfer to us within 12 hours of a normal birth and 24-48 hours of an abnormal birth. Your LMC will contact us to ensure we have a bed for you and to inform us of your birth information on the day. Some LMCs will visit you at the Centre each day to co-ordinate your care however, if they are at some distance and unable to do this, we ask that they phone the Centre daily to check with you and the registered staff on your progress. The staff will also keep them informed of any changes or concerns about you or your baby's condition. You will have your own room and share a bathroom with one other room. The postnatal rooms all have double beds and their own TV too. Each day you will be given a menu with plenty of food options to choose from. If you have dietary restrictions we ask that you tell us on the booking form and we will then be prepared to give you what is suited to your needs. Most women having had a normal birth would expect to go home on the 4th morning however we prefer to be guided by your progress and some will stay fewer days and some more. For caesarean births the normal stay would be 5 to 6 days. Our aim is you will go home in the best possible condition and armed with parenting skills to enable you to care for your baby at home. After you get home you will continue to be visited by you LMC or postnatal midwife.

During your postnatal stay a registered midwife or registered nurse will co-ordinate you and your baby's care. All our staff are well trained in postnatal care and we specialise in getting your breastfeeding off to a good start. 

If you have birthed at another hospital you will need to transfer to us within 12 hours of a normal birth and 24-48 hours of an abnormal birth. Your LMC will contact us to ensure we have a bed for you and to inform us of your birth information on the day. 

Some LMCs will visit you at the Centre each day to co-ordinate your care however, if they are at some distance and unable to do this, we ask that they phone the Centre daily to check with you and the registered staff on your progress. The staff will also keep them informed of any changes or concerns about you or your baby's condition.

You will have your own room and share a bathroom with one other room. The postnatal rooms all have double beds and their own TV too.

Each day you will be given a menu with plenty of food options to choose from. If you have dietary restrictions we ask that you tell us on the booking form and we will then be prepared to give you what is suited to your needs.

Most women having had a normal birth would expect to go home on the 4th morning however we prefer to be guided by your progress and some will stay fewer days and some more. For caesarean births the normal stay would be 5 to 6 days.

Our aim is you will go home in the best possible condition and armed with parenting skills to enable you to care for your baby at home.

After you get home you will continue to be visited by you LMC or postnatal midwife.

Visiting Hours

Partners welcome to stay for the entire duration

Other visitors normally between 3pm and 6pm daily - Check website for current visiting policy under Covid


Ample free parking is available next to the centre. If you are coming into the centre in labour, or transferring from the hospital after having your baby, you can drive right up to the main entrance where there are car parks available.   


We have a caretaker resident on site. Please ring the bell to summon staff on arrival.


Contact Details

Warkworth Birthing Centre

North Auckland

56 View Road

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Street Address

56 View Road

Postal Address

56 View Road
Warkworth 0910

This page was last updated at 2:34PM on July 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Warkworth Birthing Centre.