North Auckland, West Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā >
Continence Service | Waitematā
Public Service, Older People's Health, Community, Community Health
Continence Nurse Specialists work with patients who have continence problems. They link with other clinicians such as geriatricians, physiotherapists, dietitians and occupational therapists as required. This service is part of the District Nursing Service.
The service provides:
- Assessment of urinary and faecal incontinence
- Bladder retraining programmes
- Bladder and bowel management care and advice
- Education for patients/caregivers
- Referral to a continence physiotherapist for assessment and treatment
- Consultation and advice on medication-induced incontinence
- Advice on continence products and the supply of products where the Ministry of Health Continence Service Specifications criteria are met and according to Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā Continence Service protocols.
Referral Expectations
In accordance with the service specifications provided by the Funder, and with the patient’s permission, referrals will be accepted from:
- Self, family/whānau, caregivers, health professionals, GPs, hospital staff and specialists.
Entry Criteria
Any adult patient in the community who has a continence problem requiring advice, support, care and at times, supplementary supplies, to enable them to manage this issue at home.
Please telephone the Referral Screener for all requests, information and advice:
Phone: (09) 486 8945 ext 43222 (8.00am - 4.30pm; Monday to Friday)
Email: (for referrals)
Services Provided
- Continence
Document Downloads
- Continence Service - Home Health Information Sheet [Sep22] (PDF, 225.9 KB)
North Auckland, West Auckland
Contact Details
North Shore, Takapuna
North Auckland
(09) 486 8945 ext 43222 (8.00am - 4.30pm; Monday to Friday)
Please telephone the Referral Screener on the above number for all requests, information and advice.
Auckland 0622
Street Address
Auckland 0622
Postal Address
Continence Nurse Specialists
Community Health Services
PO Box 93 503
North Shore 0740
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This page was last updated at 2:22PM on February 21, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Continence Service | Waitematā.