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Residential Aged Care Integration Programme | Waitematā
Public Service, Older People's Health
Residential Aged Care Integration Programme (RACIP)
The Residential Aged Care Integration Programme supports integrated care for older people living in aged care facilities and provides clinical advice and education for Residential Aged Care staff. The programme employs a team of Gerontology Nurse Practitioners, Gerontology Nurse Specialists and Wound Care Nurse Specialists. We also have a dedicated Gerontology Nurse Specialist for Māori.
The RACIP team works closely with aged care providers in the following ways:
- Outreach services to aged care facilities in the Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand - Waitematā region. These include comprehensive gerontology assessments and where required care co-ordination across primary and secondary care.
- Wound care consultancy for complex wounds.
- Education and clinical coaching for residential aged care staff that targets the needs of residents in aged care. Education occurs in aged care facilities and at locations across the Te Whatu Ora - Waitematā district region.
- The Medicines Care Guides for Residential Aged Care provide evidence based guidance on medication administration and management. This resource was developed in partnership with the University of Auckland and the Ministry of Health. They are also available on the Ministry of Health web site.
- The Advanced Dementia booklet is for families of people living in residential aged care who have advanced dementia. It gives the opportunity to understand common problems that people with advance dementia may experience and supports the development of Advance Care Plans to guide care for the person with dementia in a way that respects their individual preferences and beliefs.
Advanced Lung Disease and Advanced Heart Failure These booklets are written for people with advanced lung disease or advanced heart failure living in residential aged care and also for their family/whānau and friends. They provide information about what to expect so that preferences for care can be thought about and planned for.
The following resource, although not written for residential aged care, provides useful information to support residents and their family/whānau.
- Delirium (acute confusion) Delirium can be alarming for the person with delirium and their family/whānau. This booklet helps people to understand the condition and what staff and family can do that is helpful. It was primarily written for people in acute care but most of the information is relevant for aged residential care as well.
Contact for further information.
Document Downloads
- Delirium - Information for Patients & Family Whanau (PDF, 503.3 KB)
- Advanced Dementia (PDF, 552.5 KB)
- Advanced Lung Disease (PDF, 3.2 MB)
- Advanced Heart Failure (PDF, 1 MB)
- Medicine Care Guides for Residential Aged Care (PDF, 522.4 KB)
Contact Details
Waitakere Hospital
West Auckland
Lincoln Road
Street Address
Lincoln Road
Postal Address
Waitemata Health
Private Bag 93503
Auckland 0740
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This page was last updated at 10:26AM on June 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Residential Aged Care Integration Programme | Waitematā.