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Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) | Lakes
Public Service, Psychiatry, Mental Health
Rotorua Hospital
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Assessment and treatment for people 65 years and older living in our community with suspected severe mental illness and/or addiction.
We have two MHSOP teams – one based in the Rotorua Hospital grounds (1121 Rangiuru Street), supporting the Rotorua community and one based at Taupō Hospital supporting the Southern Lakes community (Taupō, Tūrangi and Mangakino).
Our team consists of a variety of professionals, including:
- Psychiatrists (specialist) and other doctors
- Nurses
- Social Workers
- Occupational Therapists
- Psychologists (provide talking therapy)
- Administrator
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Free, Fees apply
Fees and Charges Description
New Zealand citizens or those who have obtained permanent residence are entitled to publicly funded health care.
Non-residents may be required to pay for their health care.
Click here to read more about eligibility for funded care at Te Whatu Ora - Lakes.
Rotorua Hospital
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Mon – Fri | 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM |
For urgent out of hours assistance, please call the Acute Response Team on 0800 166 167.
Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).
Languages Spoken
What Do We Do? We provide and offer: Specialist assessment and diagnosis for a range of mental health and addiction conditions (moderate to severe emotional and behavioural disorders) Prescription of medication and we will closely monitor your response to the medication Consultation and liaison services to primary care providers and other agencies. Where Can We See You? We have two community teams that cover the Lakes region and operate from two sites: MHSOP Rotorua - Rotorua and surrounding areas MHSOP Southern Lakes - Taupō, Tūrangi and Mangakino We can see you: onsite in your home in hospital in a residential or community setting What Happens When We See You? We will: Discuss options with you and together identify your needs Provide support to allow you to get the most out of life Talk to you about your health and provide you and your family/whānau with information and advice Sometimes provide specialist support, by a short stay in hospital and we will continue to provide support during this period. Caring for the Carer Worried about a loved one? It is important you seek help early. We can provide support and advice to family/whānau or friends providing care to a loved one with dementia or other difficulties. The right support will help you look after your own health so you don't get exhausted, desperate, or reach a crisis situation. Your GP is the first person to help with a diagnosis and connecting you with support services. IT IS OK TO ASK FOR HELP, TALK TO US IF YOU NEED ADVICE OR SUPPORT
What Do We Do? We provide and offer: Specialist assessment and diagnosis for a range of mental health and addiction conditions (moderate to severe emotional and behavioural disorders) Prescription of medication and we will closely monitor your response to the medication Consultation and liaison services to primary care providers and other agencies. Where Can We See You? We have two community teams that cover the Lakes region and operate from two sites: MHSOP Rotorua - Rotorua and surrounding areas MHSOP Southern Lakes - Taupō, Tūrangi and Mangakino We can see you: onsite in your home in hospital in a residential or community setting What Happens When We See You? We will: Discuss options with you and together identify your needs Provide support to allow you to get the most out of life Talk to you about your health and provide you and your family/whānau with information and advice Sometimes provide specialist support, by a short stay in hospital and we will continue to provide support during this period. Caring for the Carer Worried about a loved one? It is important you seek help early. We can provide support and advice to family/whānau or friends providing care to a loved one with dementia or other difficulties. The right support will help you look after your own health so you don't get exhausted, desperate, or reach a crisis situation. Your GP is the first person to help with a diagnosis and connecting you with support services. IT IS OK TO ASK FOR HELP, TALK TO US IF YOU NEED ADVICE OR SUPPORT
- Programme Areas
Mental health
- Programme Type
Non-acute specialist mental health community services
- Regions
- Age Groups
Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
GP, DHB clinical services
Referral Process
For referral to our service, please visit your family doctor (GP) who will then send a referral to our service.
Your GP may do various tests for physical screening. This is very important to rule out any underlying factors that may be causing your symptoms.
Who Do We See?
We see people:
- Aged 65+, however where there are concerns for those individuals outside the usual age range we can be consulted to determine the appropriate service
- With problems organising complex tasks, finding the right words to express themselves
- With safety concerns like burning the pots or forgetting to lock the doors
- With mood problems such as being more withdrawn or different from their usual self
- With enduring grief following a loss
- With alcohol and/or dependency problems such as problem gambling
What Do We Do?
We provide and offer:
- Specialist assessment and diagnosis for a range of mental health and addiction conditions (moderate to severe emotional and behavioural disorders)
- Prescription of medication and we will closely monitor your response to the medication
- Consultation and liaison services to primary care providers and other agencies.
Where Can We See You?
We have two community teams that cover the Lakes region and operate from two sites:
- MHSOP Rotorua - Rotorua and surrounding areas
- MHSOP Southern Lakes - Taupō, Tūrangi and Mangakino
We can see you:
- onsite
- in your home
- in hospital
- in a residential or community setting
What Happens When We See You?
We will:
- Discuss options with you and together identify your needs
- Provide support to allow you to get the most out of life
- Talk to you about your health and provide you and your family/whānau with information and advice
- Sometimes provide specialist support, by a short stay in hospital and we will continue to provide support during this period.
Caring for the Carer
Worried about a loved one? It is important you seek help early.
We can provide support and advice to family/whānau or friends providing care to a loved one with dementia or other difficulties.
The right support will help you look after your own health so you don't get exhausted, desperate, or reach a crisis situation.
Your GP is the first person to help with a diagnosis and connecting you with support services.
- MHSOP Fact Sheet (PDF, 67.1 KB)
- MHSOP Fact Sheet (DOC, 90 KB)
Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi
Public Transport
For more information on public transport options, click on the location links below:
- Rotorua Hospital (Note - MHSOP is located in the Rotorua Hospital grounds, 2 Ranolf Street)
- Taupō Hospital
For more information on parking options, click on the location links below:
- Rotorua Hospital - Parking is available in front of the building. (Note - MHSOP is located in the Rotorua Hospital grounds, 2 Ranolf Street)
- Taupō Hospital
Contact Details
Rotorua Hospital
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
(07) 343 7718 or 0800 839 703
(07) 349 7929
Rotorua Hospital Grounds
2 Ranolf Street
Rotorua 3010
Street Address
Rotorua Hospital Grounds
2 Ranolf Street
Rotorua 3010
Postal Address
Private Bag 3023
Taupō Hospital
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
(07) 376 1099
(07) 376 1093
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This page was last updated at 2:25PM on March 27, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) | Lakes.