

MB BS 1995 Newcastle; FRACP 2008


Dr Mouat is originally from Scotland and graduated from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1995. She trained in General Paediatrics in Christchurch, New Zealand as well as in the UK before moving to Melbourne to complete advanced training in Paediatric Endocrinology. In 2008 Dr Mouat returned to New Zealand and was appointed as a Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist and Diabetologist at Starship Child Health, where she is currently the Lead Clinician.

Her research interests include the impact of Coeliac Disease on children with Type 1 Diabetes, growth outcomes in children born following IVF treatment and Adolescent Transition.

Other roles include co-chair of the NZCYCN Intersex Network, member of the NZCYCN Diabetes Network and past Paediatric representative on the  RACP Special Advisory Committee for Endocrinology training.


Any area of Endocrinology including:

  • Growth
  • Puberty
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity and the metabolic syndrome
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Thyroid, parathyroid and calcium disorders
  • Pituitary and Adrenal disorders


  • Paediatric endocrinology

Title or Designation

Paediatrician and Endocrinologist

Full NZ Registration Date

16 October 2002

Vocational Scope


Languages Spoken


Contact Details

Dr Fran Mouat is available at the following services:

This service is available at the following location:

Greenlane Clinical Centre

Non-urgent calls or questions

Diabetes: calls to Diabetes Nurse Specialists can be made to DDI number (09) 631 0790 between 9am and 4pm weekdays or email Diabnurse@adhb.govt.nz.

Endocrinology: through the team support DDI (09) 307 4949 ext 24941 and please leave message, or email paedendo@adhb.govt.nz.

Private Services

Auckland Medical Specialists (AMS) – Paediatric Services

This service is available at the following location:

Auckland Medical Specialists, 183 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Auckland