Central Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Radiology | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai >
Dr Maurice Moriarty
MB ChB 1985 Auckland; FRANZCR 1995
Dr Maurice Moriarty has 20 years’ post-graduate experience. Maurice obtained his medical degree through Auckland University, with radiology training and qualification (FRANZCR) at Auckland City Hospital. He then performed a fellowship in diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology at Royal Perth Hospital, Australia. Maurice holds a Diploma in neurovascular radiology from University of Paris-Sud/Mahidol University.
Title or Designation
Neuro Radiologist
Full NZ Registration Date
22 November 1985
Vocational Scope
Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology
Contact Details
Dr Maurice Moriarty is available at the following services:
Radiology | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai
This service is available at the following location:
Auckland City Hospital
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
(09) 367 0000
Patient enquiries
(09) 375 4300
Known extension/pager
(09) 307 4949
Acute Referrals Service
(09) 375 7030, Ext: 24048
Emergency Department
(09) 367 0000, open 24 hours / 7 days
Outpatient appointments & surgical booking enquiries
(09) 638 0400 / scheduling@adhb.govt.nz
Mental Health Services
24 Hour Crisis Line
0800 800717
GP / External Specialist Help Desk
(09) 307 2800
Private Services
Trinity MRI
This service is available at the following location:
96C Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket, Auckland
7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
(09) 522 0848
(09) 522 0849
Healthlink EDI