North Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) - Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) Services | Waitematā >
Mr Bill Baber
MB ChB 1968 Otago; FRCS Eng 1974; FRACS 1976
Bill Baber is an Otolaryngologist in Auckland
General ENT problems including:
- nasal conditions
- tonsilitis
- but not Head and Neck malignancy or voice and swallowing disorders.
Teaching is also important and rewarding.
Otology and neurotology including cochlear implant surgery
Title or Designation
ORL Surgeon Otology
Post-Fellowship Training
Numerous courses in base of skull surgery, cochlear implant surgery and insertion of bone anchored hearing aids. Also courses in functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). A recent course was on teaching the teachers, to improve both undergraduate and specialist registrar training.
Papers on surgical results have been presented at both international and local ORL conferences with particular reference to cochlear implant surgery and stapedectomy.
Full NZ Registration Date
3 February 1970
Vocational Scope
Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Contact Details
Mr Bill Baber is available at the following service:
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) - Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) Services | Waitematā
This service is available at the following location:
North Shore Hospital
(09) 486 8920
Unfortunately faxes have ceased as from 03.05.2021. Referrals can be emailed if access to the E-referral system is not available.
Please email referrals to ReferralORL@waitematadhb.govt.nz