

Are you a Patient?

Patients wanting to register on their GP practice’s patient portal should contact their practice directly. Find your practice here.

Are you a Healthcare Professional wanting to access Referral Information on Healthpoint?

Registering with Healthpoint will allow you to access referral information for DHBs and private medical specialists.

To register, please choose one of the options below. Healthpoint will validate your information and then email you to confirm your registration. This process will normally be completed within hours — please contact us if you have not had a response within two working days.

We are only able to validate registrations for verified New Zealand healthcare professionals.

Register as an individual (Healthcare professionals only)

Register as an organisation (Healthcare professionals only)

Are you a Healthcare Professional interested in having your practice profiled on Healthpoint?

Please complete this form to list your service or organisation on Healthpoint.

To be listed, you must be a registered healthcare provider or an organisation providing health or social services in New Zealand.

If you are interested in profiling yourself and your services on Healthpoint please email Will Mitchell will@healthpoint.co.nz or phone (09) 630 0828.