Central Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland >
Department of Critical Care Medicine | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai
Public Service, Intensive Care
Dr Kerry Benson-Cooper
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Robert Bevan
Interim Service Clinical Director & Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Kirsten Bond
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Kirk Freeman
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Christopher Hands
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr David Harvey
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Craig Hourigan
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Kylie Julian
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Stephen (Keng) Lo
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Stuart Millar
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Trixy Ng
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Chris Poynter
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Tony Smith
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Jonathon Taylor
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Laura Tincknell
Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Simon Versteeg
Intensive Care Specialist
Referral Expectations
Patients may be admitted to Critical Care from the Emergency Department, hospital wards, operating theatre or following transfer from another hospital or intensive care unit. Critical Care staff also provide help and support if a patient becomes seriously ill on a ward or in the Emergency Department.
Fees and Charges Description
If a patient is not eligible for public funded healthcare in New Zealand then there will be a charge for intensive care and high dependency services (except if the admission is due to accidental injury and eligible for ACC).
Visiting Hours
We are open 24/7 365 days a year, visiting is between 8.30am and 10pm. Visiting in the morning is limited to very close whānau and family when the ward round is in progress (between 8.30am - 11am). The afternoon ward round occurs between 4pm and 5pm and the night ward round between 9pm and 11pm. Sometimes you may be asked to leave briefly during these ward rounds. Visiting between 10pm and 8.30am is by arrangement only.
Visiting is generally limited to next-of-kin or close friends and no more than 2 may be with the patient at a time. Patient care takes priority and visiting may not be possible when some procedures are being undertaken.
Children are permitted to visit, but as there are hazards present, please supervise children at all times to ensure their safety.
To reduce risk of infection, please clean your hands with alcohol gel before and after visiting the patient area. Flowers are not permitted in the patient area as they may be an infection risk.
Waiting rooms are provided in the Level 8 gallery nearby.
Refreshment vending machines are available in the Level 8 gallery, and there are food and beverage outlets on Level 5 open 8am - 7pm daily.
Overnight accommodation is not permitted in DCCM or the waiting area, but limited accommodation is available on-site at the Te Whare Awhina (Ph. 09 307 4949 ext 25830) or nearby off-site at Domain Lodge (Ph. 09 308 0161).
More detailed information including patient and family/whanāu pamphlets can be found on our ADHB DCCM Website
Contact Details
Auckland City Hospital
Central Auckland
(09) 307 4949 Ext 24800
2 Park Road
Auckland 1023
Street Address
2 Park Road
Auckland 1023
Postal Address
Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
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This page was last updated at 9:01AM on February 24, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Department of Critical Care Medicine | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai.